

Gastroschise er en medfødt misdannelse hvor barnets tarmer blir liggende utenpå magen.

Med moderne behandling er prognosene ved gastroschise gode.

Sist oppdatert:

9. apr. 2021

Dette dokumentet er basert på det profesjonelle dokumentet Gastroschise . Referanselisten for dette dokumentet vises nedenfor

  1. Stephenson CD, Lockwood CJ, MacKenzie AP. Gastroschisis. UpToDate, last updated Jan 28, 2021. UpToDate
  2. Stallings EB, Isenburg JL, Short TD, et al. Population-based birth defects data in the United States, 2012-2016: A focus on abdominal wall defects. Birth Defects Res 2019; 111:1436. PubMed
  3. Feldkamp ML, Reefhuis J, Kucik J et al. Case-control study of self reported genitourinary infections and risk of gastroschisis: findings from the nationall birth defects prevention study, 1997-2003. BMJ 2008; 336: 1420-3. PubMed
  4. Brantberg A. Surveillance and outcome of fetuses with gastrochisis. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2004; 23: 4-13. PubMed
  5. Skarsgard ED, Claydon J, Bouchard S, et al. Canadian Pediatric Surgical Network: a population-based pediatric surgery network and database for analyzing surgical birth defects. The first 100 cases of gastroschisis. J Pediatr Surg 2008; 43:30. PubMed